

You may return new, unopened items in their original packaging within 30 days of delivery for a full refund minus a 10% restocking fee.

Opened items may be returned in their original packaging within 14 days as long as they have not been used and are in new condition. The same 10% restocking fee will apply.

Custom and customized items are not returnable except in the case of a defect in workmanship or materials.

If your product was damaged in shipping the following steps MUST be adhered to in order to receive a refund or replacement products:

  1. Document damage to both packaging and contents with photos.
  2. Keep all packaging until informed that it can be discarded.
  3. Report your damage claim and upload photos via the form on the Support Request page in our Support section within 48 hours of receipt of goods.
  4. A Lilitab representative will contact you within 24 hours to arrange a UPS pickup and shipment of replacement products.
Lilitab in Costco Wholesale
March, 05, 2025

Let's Set Sail!
February, 04, 2025

Germs Be Gone!
January, 16, 2025