The Challenges:
Members of congregations no longer carry cash or checks for their weekly offerings. Churches need a convenient way to accept credit card payments for donations.
When attendees miss a weekly service, they may not plan to contribute missed offerings. Donations are sometimes inconsistent, making cash flow for churches very uneven.
Traditional credit card terminals are expensive and provide limited self-service payment assistance. Payment kiosks are often large and not easily moved when not needed, as in the case of a temporary worship space.
The Solution: SecureGive Donation Stations with Lilitab iPad kiosks
Since 2003 SecureGive has been striving to help organizations increase charitable giving through innovative technology; they are the original “giving kiosk” company.

Simply put, SecureGive POS software is ‘donation software.’ According to owner Patty Baker, “the SecureGive software and kiosk allows for an increase in donations because of the convenience that it offers”.
SecureGive partnered with Lilitab in 2012, quickly integrating their software with Lilitab’s new iPad self-service kiosk. The combination of the convenient payment kiosk with an elegant and secure self-service iPad enclosure is ideal for multiple installations in each church.
Stevens Creek Church in Augusta, Georgia, has giving kiosks placed all around the expansive atrium. “Even when people are not able to attend service, they can still donate at any time,” says Ann Williams, Director of Finance. “Members of the congregation didn’t want to continue to use the longstanding tradition of writing checks and stuffing them into envelopes. They just make their weekly donations through the self-service kiosks. The kiosk giving process is essentially goof-proof and made a believer of me instantly.”
“SecureGive’s easy to use Lilitab iPad kiosk allows donors to quickly use their credit or debit card to make their offering. Donors are able to give on a more consistent basis, therefore improving the spiritual discipline of giving and generosity. Electronic giving is here to stay, and SecureGive is on the front line of making that happen for churches,” states Marian Crawford, Accounting Manager of Impact Church in Atlanta, GA.
The streamlined design of Lilitab iPad kiosks enables placement in most worship settings. Beautiful backdrops and banners may be printed to display congregation or seasonal messages. The portability of these tablet enclosures allows for quick tool-less set up and breakdown; ideal for use in temporary worship spaces. Lilitabs can be stored in rugged form-fit cases for storage between services each week.
The iPad’s long battery life and ability to work over cellular networks means churches can have a portable giving kiosk nearly anywhere. “The Lilitab iPad kiosk is a really well thought out product with easy assembly and tear down,” states Michael Haywood, Director of Marketing and Business Solutions for SecureGive. “The banner and backdrop graphics provide outstanding marketability, taking a small iPad and letting it have a big impact,” adds Haywood. The SecureGive software is installed prior to the kiosk being deployed, so the kiosk is ready for donations immediately once it is delivered to the church or organization.
Tablet and data security are key to the design of the patented iPad self-service payment stations. Once installed in the kiosk head unit, the iPad is safely secured as an integral part of the kiosk. The credit card reader is built into the solid enclosure and the entire kiosk may be cable locked or permanently bolted to the floor.
Clients who use SecureGive report upwards of 20% giving increases with an average SecureGive donation of $175.00. Better yet, 27% of registered SecureGive users are first-time givers, and hundreds of churches and organizations across the country have partnered with SecureGive.
Tim Stevens of LeadingSmart.com added that, “we believe SecureGive has more than paid for itself by providing an additional way for families (especially new givers) to contribute to the ministry of the church.” With SecureGive helping to increase ministries donations by 20-30% in the first year of operations, there is no doubt this software and the reliability and flexibility of the Lilitab iPad kiosk is an unmatched combination in the kiosk market.

A huge benefit for most churches is that SecureGive software minimizes the issue of variable cash flow from week to week. Stevens Creek Church's Director of Finance, Ann Williams said, “even the oldest member of the Stevens Creek Church didn’t want to continue to write checks. He just told me recently that he makes his weekly donation through the self-serve kiosks." Ms. Williams reported that last year the church collected over one million dollars electronically.
“People use their debit card for gas, groceries, why not something they truly believe in—the local church,” SecureGive founder Marty Baker said. Partnering with Lilitab ensures there are beautiful and elegant giving kiosks available for churches to use all over the world.
About SecureGive: SecureGive was founded in 2003 and is the pioneer in a new era of innovation by partnering with Pastors, Educators, Humanitarians, Healthcare Institutions, and Philanthropists across the nation. SecureGive is the original giving kiosk company. Dr. Marty Baker realized that very few people carry cash or a checkbook. His goal was to meet the need of his church. And, that he did! His congregation responded so well to the kiosks that he decided to make the same safe convenience available to organizations all over the country. After intense research and detailed developing, SecureGive was born. SecureGive is the complete solution for digital giving offering
Kiosks, Online, and Mobile giving solutions to help organizations reach their potential. SecureGive has a heart to see your ministry thrive, and not just survive. To learn more please visit www.securegive.com.